Κυριακή 9 Οκτωβρίου 2011

blueabyss17404 one of the BEST artists

blueabyss17404 is a DeviantArt user with a unique talent...every piece of her is just so AMAZING..the feeling you pass  me everytime i watch your work is ...is...i can not describe it! I  hope you dont mind me doing this article for you but am a new blogger and thats my first blog :)
Digital art is difficult..its not like drawing on a peper..you have to develop a new skill...a new way of acting and movement but YOU blueabyss17404 your are just a pro :) SO GUYS i thought you should see her gallery...her talent  (also a traditional art artist)
Fernanda S. Artist | Student
I work with Traditional and Digital media, but here you will find mostly digital artworks. I use Photoshop CS 5 and a wacom tablet.

You can contact me by sending me a note or email to: fda.suarez@hotmail.com

!---I OWN NOTHING---!  ( blueabyss17404 the is owner )
digital work :

Thank you so Much xD 
Chasing a Dream (klsketches.blogspot.com)

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